Tilus Business Services

Tilus Business Services

What is an NTPI Fellow?

When it comes to choosing a tax practitioner, keep in mind that there are widely varying levels of expertise.  A "registered tax preparer" can assist with providing rudimentary tax advisement and preparation.  On the other end of the spectrum, an "NTPI Fellow" possesses the highest degree of relevant tax knowledge and expertise, and is best equipped for client representation. 


The NAEA-founded National Tax Practitioners Instutute employs a formal three year tiered curriculum in preparation for fellowhsip.  One must already be an enrolled agent able to represent taxpayers in order to enter into this rigorous program.  As the National Association of Enrolled Agents states, "While earning the EA license denotes competence and the right to represent taxpayers, Fellows have increased knowledge of IRS laws and procedures, relationships with other expert practitioners i nthe field, and know he process of representation from both an IRS and client perspective.


The successful resolution of tax maters is often contingent upon your representative's ability to navigate through complicated agency structure, and upon their knowledge of IRS codes, laws, and inernal regulations.  When choosing a tax advisor, representative, or preparer, keep your personal situation and needs in mind, and choose wisely.  An NTPI Fellow can ensure that you receive the best defense possible before all administraive levels of the IRS.